About Us

Bart and Niek in India looking at hemp samples

We at Hemptex are driven by a desire to regenerate the governing systems that control us and our futures.

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our vision

an inclusive, democratic, ecology friendly economy with unconditional access to basic needs for all
organic hemp as meaningful resource for a non pollutive economy with all humanity as equitable shareholders
we believe in a glocal economy with care for one another and the life around us
we empower local communities desiring to rebuild and thrive, powered by organic hemp
regenerating polluted industries in a global supply chain of organic hemp products

Why Hemp?

Hemp icon

We believe in hemp as a base resource for a new regenerative economy as it is enormously CO2 absorbing, soil-regenerating and efficient growing product. The cultivation of hemp is much more efficient and sustainable than that of cotton for textiles, corn, oats and soya as food, bio-fuel or animal feeding. It is a competitive, biodegradable alternative to all petroleum-based products such as plastic packaging and polyester and a valuable product for use in construction and industry. It is almost unimaginable what hemp can offer humans by scaling up its use and applying it widely.The hemp industry is still hugely experimental. Hemp production has experienced an explosion in the past 10 years because of legalisation and climate action, which has made the industry more and more supported. However, the industry is far underdeveloped and there are still limited factories and machinery for processing hemp. Now that the hemp market has taken off, this is the time to innovate in order to roll out a sustainable transition to this material. This innovation can make hemp the cheapest option at global scale, which is the focus of our production processes and which is why we craft with organic hemp.

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Why Flags?

Flag Icon

Flags represent a form of expression used by all around the globe. They are a way of expressing who we are and to show support for issues in which we are passionate. As more and more groups and individuals are inspired to take-action against the destructive systems that are destroying our environment and disempowering communities, we at EarthFlags are striving to create a means of expressing our values with flags that are intrinsically intrenched within the new world ideals in which we believe. While flags are currently our main focus and are something we are deeply passionate about, they represent phase one of our larger mission. With flags we hope to establish sustainable and efficient production and distribution of Hemp textile throughout Europe, making this amazing resource more accessible for all. In this transition we need your help! Support us via our crowdfunding (link to crowdfunding) or join our storytelling to become involved in this transition towards or more sustainable future for us all.

we regenerate brands

crafting solutions for the event industry, our space to
experiment & innovate
connecting with
changemaking communities
— our target audience
cooperating with large organisations, guiding the transition to a
regenerative supply chain